HHC vs. CBD: similarities and differences

While CBD products are already quite well-known and popular in the Czech environment, HHC is not only less explored, but it also hasn't reached such a user base yet. This is a pity. Let's take a closer look at both substances, including in the context of the well-known and illegal substance THC. How do they relate to each other, how do they affect us as humans, and what are the differences in benefits to the human body?

THC, CBD, HHC: What's the difference?

What do these 3 substances have in common? They are among the cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, over a hundred of which have already been discovered with more being added all the time. They are all very similar chemically and in some cases have very similar effects. However, while CBD is quite far removed in nature from THC, HHC on the other hand is (very simply put) a legal and less potent alternative to THC. Why?


THC and CBD have the same chemical formula but different structures. While THC directly acts on the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, CBD does not. Therefore, the fundamental difference between them is that CBD is not psychoactive. This means that it does not cause changes in consciousness or perception when used and does not get the user “high”.


On the other hand, HHC, which you can consume in the form of HHC flower, vaping pens, joints, oils and gummies, is a lot closer to THC.

HHC as an alternative to THC

While CBD can even cancel out some of the effects of THC, HHC products are much closer cousins. HHC acts on CB1 cannabinoid receptors and is thus also psychoactive. What does that mean here? You can expect to experience euphoric states from HHC, in addition to the typical calming effect and perhaps even better sleep.


Unlike THC, HHC is legal, provided it is produced from raw materials with a maximum THC content of 1%. User experience suggests, therefore, that the effect of HHC is similar to its illegal relative, but at a much lower intensity of around 50%. It does not have a strong narcotic effect, it is unlikely to show up in conventional drug tests, and you will be able to enjoy the benefits of HHC in peace.

Benefits and effects of HHC and CBD

The use of HHC is becoming increasingly popular for its ability to induce a feeling of pleasant relaxation, relieve pain, improve sleep, and produce a mild euphoria. Similarly, CBD can also reduce stress and fatigue, help with sleep, and improve overall well-being.


The main difference is the psychoactive effects mentioned above. While CBD is widely used for pain relief, reducing inflammation, and obtaining feelings of well-being, HHC may be an interesting choice for users looking for relaxation of body and mind, and perhaps even a bit of euphoria when looking for an easy rest after a hard day.

Comparison of side effects

Both substances, of course, can have side effects. Their use and dosage is highly individual and it is up to each user how they approach it. A simple rule of thumb is to start very carefully, and gain more and more experience as you get to know your body's reactions.


With CBD, however, side effects are actually a bit rarer. Dry mouth, changes in appetite, possibly mild indigestion... nothing serious. With HHC, which is understandable given the psychoactive nature of the substance, you may experience mild dizziness, red eyes, or paranoia. Of course, the big question is dosage and experience in “finding what works for you”.


The worlds of HHC and CBD are very similar and interconnected in many ways. It's up to you which one you prefer, or how you connect them in your own experiences.