CBD, CBG, and CBN: How to make sense of them all

Cannabinoids are a subject not only for died-in-the-wool users of the herb, but also for the general public. Some of them can have major beneficial effects on our lives, so let’s introduce some the various options. We are talking about CBN(cannabinol), CBG (cannabigerol) and CBD (cannabidiol). Each of them has its own unique benefits that deserve our attention. If you thought all cannabis was the same, be prepared for a surprise. So let’s figure out why you should pay some attention to these cannabinoids and, and at end of the day, even give them a little love.


The most famous is CBD – and well worth trying

CBD is one of the most studied components of cannabis and offers a wide range of potential health benefits:


  • Pain relief: CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve chronic pain.
  • Reduced anxiety and depressive symptoms: Research suggests CBD can act on serotonin receptors in the brain, which can help improve mood and reduce anxiety.
  • Better sleep: CBD can help regulate sleep by reducing stress and anxiety levels, making it easier to fall asleep.
  • Relief with neurological disorders: There is evidence that CBD has neuroprotective properties that can benefit people with epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurological conditions.
  • Support for heart health: CBD can have a positive effect on the heart and circulatory system, including the ability to lower high blood pressure.
  • Help with acne treatment: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can help fight acne.


Of course, everything also depends on the method of application. For example, you can choose between CBD oils, ointments, or flowers.

CBG offers great therapeutic potential

Although CBG, typically in the form of oils, may appear to be similar in many ways to CBD, there are some differences between them, especially in terms of their potential therapeutic effects.


  • Fighting bacteria and inflammation: CBG has strong antibacterial properties that can be effective against antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains.
  • Promoting eye health: CBG is particularly effective in treating glaucoma and other diseases associated with pressure in the eye due to its ability to reduce intraocular pressure.
  • Improved digestion: CBG has been shown to help fight inflammation in the digestive tract, which can bring relief to people suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease.
  • Neuroprotective effects: Like CBD, CBG shows promising neuroprotective properties, but its unique effect on the endocannabinoid system may offer different benefits in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Fight against cancer: Preliminary studies suggest CBG may help block receptors that cause cancer cell growth.


Encourage your peace of mind with CBN

CBN is a lesser known cannabinoid than its cousins CBD and CBG, yet it offers unique benefits worth noting.


  • Better sleep: CBN is often promoted as a natural sleep aid, which can be particularly beneficial for those suffering from insomnia or intermittent sleep.
  • Pain relief: Like CBD, CBN can help relieve pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects: CBN may offer relief for various inflammatory diseases, which makes it a fascinating prospect for further research in this area.


Cannabinoids open up an amazing world of possibilities. Whatever substance you choose, and whether in the form of Vapes, Cartridge, Flowers, Joints, or Gummies, always experiment cautiously and carefully observe the way your body’s responds. Above all, it is up to each of us how we find our way into cannabinoids and how we discover their greatest benefits. The potential is enormous.